Fellowship Speed Dating

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Brussels University Hospital -Brussels Breat Surgery Fellowship
-Albucassis Breast reconstruction Fellowship
Brussels, Belgium
Üppsala University Hospital International Fellowship in Reconstructive Microsurgery Üppsala,Sweden
Maastricht University Medical Center Microsurgical Fellowship Breast and Lymphedema Maastricht, Netherlands
Austin Health Microsurgery and Reconstrutive surgery Fellowship Melbourne, Australia
Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau – Advanced Skills Training Diploma in Breat Reconstruction -Fellowship Programme
-Advanced Skills Training Diploma in Lymphedema Surgery-Fellowship Programme
Barcelona, Spain
Imperial College Heathcare NHS Trust -Imperial Microfellowship
-Imperial Extremity reconstruction Fellowship
London, United Kingdom
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Reconstructive Microsurgery Fellowship New York, U.S.A.
Tata Memorial Hospital Tata Memorial Centre-Onco Plastic Microsurgery fellowship Mumbai, India
Morriston Hospital South Wales Microsurgery Fellowship Morriston, United Kingdom
University of Manitoba Microsurgical Reconstruction Fellowship Manitoba, Canada
Yale Cancer Center Fellowship in breast reconstruction New Heaven, CT, USA
Chris O’Brien Lifehouse Chris Obrien Lifehouse Sydney Advanced Breast Reconstruction Fellowship Sydney, Australia
St Vincent’s Hospital St Vincent’s Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Fellowship Melbourne, Australia
Royal Melbourne Hospital Royal Melbourne Hospital Advanced International Microsurgery Fellowship (Melbourne, Australia) Melbourne, Australia