Fellowship Speed Dating
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Brussels University Hospital | -Brussels Breat Surgery Fellowship -Albucassis Breast reconstruction Fellowship |
Brussels, Belgium |
Üppsala University Hospital | International Fellowship in Reconstructive Microsurgery | Üppsala,Sweden |
Maastricht University Medical Center | Microsurgical Fellowship Breast and Lymphedema | Maastricht, Netherlands |
Austin Health | Microsurgery and Reconstrutive surgery Fellowship | Melbourne, Australia |
Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau | – Advanced Skills Training Diploma in Breat Reconstruction -Fellowship Programme -Advanced Skills Training Diploma in Lymphedema Surgery-Fellowship Programme |
Barcelona, Spain |
Imperial College Heathcare NHS Trust | -Imperial Microfellowship -Imperial Extremity reconstruction Fellowship |
London, United Kingdom |
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center | Reconstructive Microsurgery Fellowship | New York, U.S.A. |
Tata Memorial Hospital | Tata Memorial Centre-Onco Plastic Microsurgery fellowship | Mumbai, India |
Morriston Hospital | South Wales Microsurgery Fellowship | Morriston, United Kingdom |