Guidelines for presentations
Oral Contributions
- 5 minutes for the presentation. Time for discussion and Q&A is scheduled at the end of the session.
- Presentation Template: A PowerPoint template is available for your use. [CLICK HERE]
- You must handle your presentation on an USB drive to the technical staff at the venue (delivery slides room). It is necessary to deliver it with a minimum of 2 hours before your session starts or the day before if your session begins before 10:30 a.m.
All accepted posters will be presented in digital format during the congress.
Display: E-poster screens will be available in the Exhibition Area, allowing attendees to view your poster at any time.
Submission: Detailed guidelines to upload your e-poster to the online platform is available here. [CLICK HERE]
Registration Details:
Please note the following important information regarding registration:
- The presenting author is required to register for the conference to present the paper and receive the presentation certificate.
- If you have not registered yet, take advantage of the regular registration fee by registering here before March 24, 2025 (23:59 CET).
- All authors must complete their registration by March 24, 2025. Papers without a registered presenting author by this deadline will be canceled.