Wednesday, April 23rd

Join our Pre-courses or the Dissection Cadaver Course!

Note: Places are limited. We highly recommend to book and confirm your course to ensure your participation.

Course Time Where Fee Attendee Fee Observer
Lower Limb Microsurgical Dissection Course 08:00 to 14:30 h. Campus de Ciències de la Salut de Bellvitge. L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona 650 € 250 €
Basic flaps for dummies: video tutorial 08:00 to 10:00 h. Palacio de Congressos de Catalunya 50 €
Learning from complications: how to avoid and fix them 08:00 to 10:00 h. Palacio de Congressos de Catalunya 50 €
Aesthetic-focused microsurgery 10:30 to 12:30 h. Palacio de Congressos de Catalunya 50 €
Building the ideal microsurgeon: Holistic and physical preparation 10:30 to 12:30 h. Palacio de Congressos de Catalunya 50 €  
AEM –3D-virtual planning in Head and Neck reconstruction 10:30 to 12:30 h. Palacio de Congressos de Catalunya 50 €

Time 08:00 to 14:30
Where: Facultat UB Bellvitge
Campus de Ciències de la Salut de Bellvitge
L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona.
Faculty: E. Chang
C. Garusi
M. Kolehmainen
J.M. Lasso
M. Llusá
J.M Rodríguez
Y. Seki
D. Song
Z. Wan
8:00 – 8:15 Registration
8:15 – 8:30 How to work in the dissection room. M. llusá
8:30 – 9:30 Raising the flaps: steps and trick&tips

  • SCIP. E. Chang
  • PAP & Gracilis. M. Kolehmainen
  • ALTF. Y. Seki
  • Medial femoral corticoperiostic flap. M. Llusá
  • Tibial posterior perforator flap. Z. Wang
  • Fibular flap. J.M. Rodríguez
  • SGAP & IGAP. C. Garusi
  • MSAP. J.M. Lasso
  • Medial Plantar Flap. D.Song
9:30 – 10:15 COFFEE BREAK
10:15- 14:30 DISSECTION

Preliminary program, subject to change

Time 08:00 to 10:00
Where: Congress Venue (Palacio de Congressos de Catalunya)
Moderators: N. Leymarie, Ming Huei Cheng
Faculty: PAP flap
R. Allen Jr.
LAP flap
K. Van Landuyt
ALTF flap
E. Santamaria
Fibula flap
M. Innocenti
DIEP flap
A. Moreira
TDAP flap
C. Angrigiani
SGAP flap
F. Stillaert
SCIP flap
T. Yamamoto

Preliminary program, subject to change

Time 08:00 to 10:00
Where: Congress Venue (Palacio de Congressos de Catalunya)
Moderators S. Levine, J.Chia-Shen Yang
Faculty Complications in lymphedema surgery
S. Suominen
Complications in breast surgery
D. Melnikov
Complications in trunk reconstruction
M. Ninkovic
Complications in lower limb
P. Cederna
Complications in head and neck
S. Ch’ng

Preliminary program, subject to change

Time 10:30 to 12:30
Where: Congress Venue (Palacio de Congressos de Catalunya)
Moderators R. Giunta, Y. Zhang
Faculty -In head and neck
E. Rodríguez
-In breast
J. Lipa
-In supermicrosurgery
I. Koshima
-In hand extremities
R. Sabapathy
-In lower extremities
T.C. Teo

Preliminary program, subject to change

Time 10:30 to 12:30
Where: Congress Venue (Palacio de Congressos de Catalunya)
Moderators J. Masià, G Evans
Faculty My ten rules to become a complete microsurgeon and person
D. Chang
The mentor as a relevant influencer to grow as a microsurgeon
JP. Hong
How physical preparation can influence the microsurgeon
S. Hofer
Feeding the microsurgeon: diet and nutrition
M. Pérez
Emotional preparation to handle with microsurgery pressure
S. Correa

Preliminary program, subject to change

Time 10:30 to 12:30
Where: Congress Venue (Palacio de Congressos de Catalunya)
Moderators Dr Bescós/ Dr Gómez/ Dr Heredero
Faculty State of the art. Introduction
Dr Bescós y Dr Pamias (Hospital Universitario Vall Hebron, Barcelona)
Mandibular reconstruction with fibula free flap
Dr Sáez y Dr Gómez (Hospital Universitario Vall Hebrón, Barcelona)
Mandibular reconstruction with iliac crest bone
Dr Rodríguez (Hospital Universitario Joan XXIII, Tarragona)
Maxillary Reconstruction
Dr de Pablo y Dr Gómez (Hospital Universitario Vall Hebrón, Barcelona)
Tips and tricks in 3D-Virtual Microsurgical planning
Dr Heredero (Servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial, Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía de Córdoba)

Preliminary program, subject to change