Marco Innocenti
Marco Innocenti M.D.
Born January 25, 1956 in Florence (Italy). Marco Innocenti graduated cum Laude in Medicine and Surgery from University of Florence “Facolta’ di Medicina e Chirurgia” in 1981.
He completed a residency in Orthopaedic e Traumatology Surgery in 1984, in Hand Surgery in 1987 and in Plastic Surgery in 2004 all three cum Laude.
He is currently the Director of the “Orthoplastic Department ” of Rizzoli Institute, ( Bologna Italy) and full Professor of Plastic Surgery at the University of Bologna.
He acted as visiting professor at the “Henry Ford Health System” in Detroit (USA), at the “Duke University” in Durham (USA), at “Hirosaki Medical School” in Hirosaki (Japan), at Curtis Hand Center in Baltimore (USA), at “Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy” in Timisoara (Romania) , at Larissa University (Greece) , Beijing University (China) , Penn University in Philadelphia (USA), Munich University (Germany) , Hong Kong University (Hong Kong) and Buncke Clinic (USA).
Dr Innocenti’s clinical work is focused on post traumatic and post oncological functional reconstruction of bone as well as soft tissue with a special interest in the Vascularized Proximal Fibular Epiphyseal Transfer in the growing individuals and the application of perforator flaps and propeller flaps.
His clinical interest extents also to the treatment of the congenital differences of the upper extremity.
Dr Innocenti has been Clinical Advisor to MMI since 2015 actively participating in the development of the first robotic platform devoted to microsurgery. With Symani robot Dr Innocenti did the first robotic assisted anastomosis in human in 2020
He published 115 papers in international journals and 12 book chapters.
He is member of the editorial board of 6 international scientific journals
He is member at large of the council of WSRM