Mohamad Rachadian Ramadan
Mohamad Rachadian Ramadan, MD, MRBS is an Assistant Professor and Consultant Plastic Surgeon at Universitas Indonesia, specializing in reconstructive microsurgery with a focus on sensate breast reconstruction and lymphatic surgery. After completing his plastic surgery residency, he pursued advanced subspecialization in reconstructive microsurgery, followed by a Master’s Degree in Surgical Oncology, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Breast Surgery (MRBS) from Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. Dr. Ramadan has completed fellowships and observerships at leading institutions in India, China, Taiwan, USA, Mexico, Spain, and Belgium. His team performs over 150 free flap procedures annually. A member of WSRM and ASPS, he also reviews for top-tier plastic surgery journals and has received awards like the PSF/ASPS International Scholar and Brussels Breast Fellowship.