Usama Abdelfattah
Usama Abdelfattah, M.D, PhD
Associate professor of plastic and reconstructive surgery, Department of Plastic and reconstructive surgery, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt.
Head of Microsurgery and lymphedema unit at national insurance authority hospitals, Cairo, Egypt
Education and Qualification
- Medical school: School of medicine, Al-Azhar university, Cairo (2003-2009)
- Internship: Al-Azhar university Hospital (2010)
- Plastic surgery Residency and training: At Al-Azhar university hospitals in Cairo (May 2011-June 2014)
- Plastic surgery specialist at Saudi-German Hospital -Cairo branch between 2015-2017.
- Microsurgery and Lymphedema fellowship in Asan medical center- Seoul-South Korea from February 2018 Till January 2019 under supervision of Prof. JP Hong and Prof. Hyunsuk Peter Suh.
- Breast reconstruction and lymphedema fellowship at Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Autonoma university Barcelona, Spain (January2019 till August 2019) under supervision and Mentorship of Prof. Jaume Masia and Prof. Gemma Pons.