Warren Rozen
Warren Rozen is a Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon in Victoria, Australia. He completed undergraduate training at Melbourne University, and completed Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeryfellowship training in 2014. He concurrently completed postgraduate research studies in surgical anatomy, achieving both an MD and PhD in applied surgical anatomy. He combines clinical practice with surgical research, and has published over 500 peer reviewed publications, given over 100 national and international presentations, and is on the editorial board of several international journals. His main research interests are in clinical anatomy, with a focus on reconstructive flaps, vascular imaging and surgical anatomy. He is lead clinician on several multi-institutional collaborative grants in clinical trials in surgery, and holdsan appointment at Monash University as a clinical professor, supervising multiple PhD and masters students. His other roles includerepresenting a Human Research Ethics Committee, and unit director of research at Peninsula Health and Eastern Health.